
An interesting discussion over lunch.. What does it mean by lukewarm Christians?

After hearing the sermon on Revelation 3, some of the church people were discussing about what does it mean to be lukewarm christians.

Some suggested that lukewarm christians don’t want to evangelize, they tend to sit on their comfort zone. Some suggested that they are those who attend church service on sunday but on the other 6 days they are no different to the non christians. Some suggested that they are those who don’t live out what they believe. Some suggested that lukewarm is a state of relationship with God, one can be actively involved in church ministries, but he/she doesn’t necessarily have a meaningful relationship with God, ministries are just things that they do day in day out..

Someone suggested that a good personal indicator on whether you are lukewarm or not is your prayer life. People can judge you by what you do or not do, but when it comes to you and God, your prayer life will show your relationship’s state with God.

Good thing for lukewarm christians like me, Jesus gave a warning in Revelation for me to repent and be hot again.. He hasn’t spit me out from his mouth.. But the possibility is there…