My other part time job

I have started my other part time job as a casual Customer Relationship Manager (cool name, but it basically means telemarketer, no management whatsoever) for a company called Customcall representing a client called Acxiom/Asis.

I am working 9am to 1pm every working day. The job is very boring I must say, imagine calling up 75 people and saying the same thing again and again.. I wish I can call up people to share to gospel and being paid too! 🙂 Well, there’s always MTS, like what my girlfriend is doing at the moment. That would be worthwhile doing, wouldn’t it..

Oh well, a job is a job, as long as it brings the food to the table. I should be thankful and find joy in my meaningless life on earth, I hope Josh would bring a brighter message from Ecclesiastes this Sunday.

1 thought on “My other part time job

  1. scotty

    Acxiom?! Isn’t that the company recently got hacked by an insider (or was that a data mining company), and many customer details have been leaked? Now tell me, Felix, that you did not intentionally exploit that FTP bug, did you?


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