I am pondering what it means by prophesying in NT (1 Cor 14), since
this is the spiritual gift that Paul regard Christians to pursue.
Some people argue that prophesying is similar to teaching the word.
Some say if you are relaying the word of the prophets (like telling/teaching
ppl what the bible says), then you are prophesying. The problem
I have with this is, why Paul used the word prophesying when what
he really meant was teaching. Other passages like Ephesians 4 also distinguish
the role of apostles, prophets, pastors and teachers…
Prophesying in the OT seems to mean communicating direct revelation from
God regarding things like events, warnings etc. Does the “directness from God”
a necessary condition for a prophecy? That is if I tell someone the message
from Isiah for instance, that wouldn’t be counted as “prophesying” but more
of “teaching”?
Should I fire up my ESV e-bible and go through all the references to the words prophets, prophesying, prophecies and see where those lead me.. but then again I don’t know if I have time to do that..
If only Pelita would do a bible study on this..