So little time, so much to do #2

This is a translated summary of someone’s email to a mailing list:

I was just wondering…
We are often told that priorities in life are necessary and important. Without priorities we would do a lot of things but with no result. Living without priorities is like tarik tambang, we are pulled to every side. For most people it would be like a game of pinball, toss in every direction of the winds. No wonder, there are a lot of people who are easily bored, burned out and dissapointed.

And then there are many people (including me) starting to learn how to prioritise. For a Christian, things to be prioritised would include God, family, work, study, ministry, hobby etc. And everytime, we are struggling trying to maintain this “building” of our priorities which grows higher and higher. If we are not able to do so, this building will come tumbling down.

Our difficulties lies in our desire to be able to have multiple priorities. First priority, Second priority etc up to the tenth priority.

In the bible, the concept of priorities is not in the plural form but in singular. Not “priorities” but “priority”. Jesus said “seek ye first”, it leads to one thing, not two things or five.

Put God first above other people, including the person that we most loved. Put His will and desire above our wants and private ambitions. Put His demand before social demand to look cleverer, richer, more religious and healthier.

That is the chrisitian priority.

And the rest God will enable us to manage our life to be more pleasing to him. How is that concretely? That is what I am currently experimenting with, I am not sure when will I finish…


I am pondering the truth of this email..