Young Christians

How I wish that there is such a thing as Express Bible Course, get to know the big picture of the bible in a week or less. After getting to know the people in the newly formed bible study group on Friday, I see the need of such a course (although it’s impossible I think).

There’s a person in the group who said that he’s a new christian, he’s being christian for less than a year, he wants to learn more abt the bible and God, so he comes to bible study. However he also told us that this is his last session with the prospect of moving to spore to get a job. Doh! How can we teach him bible properly in less than 7 months? Given the background of the people in the group (couple of very young christians), maybe it’s better to focus on how to read the bible for themselves and what does it mean to live as christians..

The series on the Doctrine of God that we are supposed to do are quite difficult in themselves, hey trinity is never an easy concept to explain let alone to be understood..

On the other side, I think if they “DO” get to grow in the end, and God wills they will grow, I should be very happy. I reckon, in a group with young christians is very encouraging because you’d be able to see the changes in their understanding and their lives (but it doesn’t guaranteed to happen) more clearly than being in the bible study with mature christians. Why is this ya? Does the rate of growth diminish after a certain period of time being a christian, I wonder..

2 thoughts on “Young Christians

  1. sui

    hmmm… been thinking about this, its a very good question, I myself dont know why… maybe because after a while we think that we already know the basic and therefore the rate of growth diminish..

    Thomas A Kempis said smth about this in the book the Imitation of Christ: “Today, he who is not a transgressor and who can bear patiently the duties which he has taken upon himself is considered great. How lukewarm and negligent we are! We lose our original fervor very quickly and we even become weary of life from laziness!” and “Each day we ought to renew our resolutions and arouse ourselves to fervor as though it were the first day of our religious life.”

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