Mimi and Mintuna

Those are the goldfish that lina gave me for birthday.. I have been wanting fish as pet (not for food :P) for quite a while, I thought that seeing them swimming will be relaxing.. Unfortunatelly haven’t been able to watch them swimming very much, as they are in my living room and I spend most of my time in bedroom..


Planning to get more fish to make it more alive inside.. will probably need a “real” aquarium..

Learning the art of parenthood (only the 1% of it or even less).. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Mimi and Mintuna

  1. chennyth

    huahahaha can’t stop laughing :p sorry felix, mimi and mintuna just sounds so errm.. cute 😀

    looking forward to looking after them when you and lina go for honeymoon 🙂 i maybe a plant killer, but no record of fish died under my care (yet) :p

  2. felix

    When I saw them, those names just stick to my head, was considering names like genit and centil :> but just stik with mimi and mintuna, I know that those names are from a Javanese proverb, but didn’t know what’s the proverb about. Well I just found out, there is a Javanese proverb “Kaya mimi and mintuna” which means:

    seperti sepasang ikan mimi dan mintuna. Artinya kasih sayang ayah dan ibu, tidak bercerai-berai atau tidak dapat diceraikan dan selalu rukun. Kasih sayang ibu dan ayah, dapat digeser ke kasih sayang adik-kakak, orang tua-anak dan sebaliknya anak harus hormat kepada orang tua dan berbakti agar dalam keluarga tidak terjadi pertengkaran.

    Got it from

  3. surfer by

    Min”tuna”? Hmmm hope it won’t end up between two slices of bread. Does the bowl not require power operated oxygen?
    – surfer by –

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