Ministry Idea: BRB

BRB here isn’t Be Right Back but it stands for Bible Reading Buddies. Well, it’s really not a new idea, just realised that I’ve done it with
Ongy before and Pelita guys there was this thing called MRB (Men Reading Books) which is similar to what I have in mind, but the aim is to encourage men to read christians book (by the way, MRB until this moment is just an initiative.. it never actually happened.. sigh).

BRB is very simple, basically it just getting two christians or more to meet together andread the bible.

Ideally, it would look like this:
1. Done in a short time, say meet once or twice a week, read a passage for 1/2 hour, thus not much commitment needed -> greater flexibility to fit with busy students/workers schedule.
2. No one needs to prepare the meeting (no leader). Less preparation -> less committment.
3. Read one bible book (not jumping around chapters of the bible). The two needs to decide beforehand what they want to read.
4. Some basic questions to answer: what’s the main point, what can we learn for our life, is there any encouragement for us etc2… simple questions, that don’t need too much time to think.

1. Get christians (most likely new christians) into the habit of reading the bible for themselves. A new x-an guy told me that he likes to read the bible with other people, but he finds it a struggle to read it by himself. For this kind of person, HOPEFULY he will see that reading bible is not hard (dont need a leader to always tell him what’s right or wrong) nor boring and be encouraged to read the bible himself.
2. Putting into practice “how to read the bible for yourselves”, as we are trained to do that in bible studies and church.
3. Build relationship with the buddies.
4. More exposure to the Word of God (too much is never enough in this case :))

Oh! For pelita people, so whatever happened to:
1. MRB (Men Reading Books)
2. Inviting friends to a couple of dinners with other pelitans in order to invite them to an evangelical dinner?
3. There was a men-only breakfast meetings with bible study.. it’s also gone without a trace.. I forgot what is it called..

2 thoughts on “Ministry Idea: BRB

  1. william

    hi felix,

    just read this part today :p, which is end of nov 06 … the idea of BRB, MRB, and inviting friends for evangelical dinner sounds great.

    i guess i should think of starting doing something like this as well :p

  2. felixt

    I think most of the things I mentioned above has been done before.. I know Rusmin and some ppl meet to read bible together, not the formal 1 on 1 follow up thingy (it can be done as a complement to the 1-on-1 follw up). But yeah I am not sure whether they are still doing it nowadays.

    Handy used to have dinner with non christian friends with the hope to invite them to church events. The idea is, it will be easier to invite people to church events when you are closer to them.

    Men only breakfast+short bible study by charles gajus was great but sadly it is discontinued 🙁

    Now maybe you want to start new initiatives? 🙂

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