Indo music on Itunes

On your itunes, search for artist listed here equinox. Several well known artist/band are there like peter pan, dewa, kla project, java jive..
I got a feeling that I might the only indonesian in the world who actually PAY to DOWNLOAD indonesian songs. Browsing through the list on itunes seems to confirm my suspicion, there are no reviews, no “people who bought this song also bought this song” thing, well there’s a list of popular song by artist, but it looks like to be listing the whole album anyway (in the order of the song on the album)..nnI wonder whether it’s actually cheaper to get mom to buy the cds from indo, but i dont like storing cds..they gather dust easily -> need regular cleaning.
I wonder whether someday piracy is no longer a norm in indo.. it seems to be a culture already. to be indo is to buy/use pirated stuffs. even the christians friends i have in indo, dont seem to mind piracy, they always go with the line of “have no choice, we can’t afford the original, even if we can afford it, we find it hard to find the genuine stuff, i mean it’s like.. do they even sell genuine stuff in indo?”.