Amazon anyone?

Anyone interested in buying books from before the end of financial year? We can combine the shipping and save the postage. I’ll order before 30th June of course.

8 thoughts on “Amazon anyone?

  1. jessica

    is the price in USA$ currency? kalo dirubah ke AU$ jdnya brp ya? i’m interested in pre-ordering Harry Potter but the book itself will be out on 21st of July, so i dunno how about the shipping & postage masi bsa diitung barengan gak?

  2. felixt

    Yes, price is in US$, to roughly convert the price, I usually use, so it’s good idea to calculate first whether it will be cheaper buying in Australia or from US (including postage).

    My tech-related books usually cheaper in US (including postage) not sure about novels though.

    I will look into whether or not you can combine shipping for unreleased books, I suppose I can delay the shipping for my books as well until that date (maybe maybe need to double check).

  3. william

    still looking for some books by US author, presumably most of them are cheaper. you can also compare with bookstore in Aus for it.

    felix, ntar aku contact2 lagi dee :D. harpot lagi discount banyak di amazon cika. so i guess ordering it from amazon is a good deal. coba tanya wawo deh, soalnya dia pre-order deh kayaknya.

  4. Scott

    Personally I found Christian books not as cheap as I thought in Amazon. Koorong is still the cheapest, especially during their 15-20% off sales (which is on now).

    To check Australian book price, use this price comparison engine:

    Felix — I’ll get back to you today or tomorrow if I need to get anything.

  5. jessica

    hemm how much does the shipping usually cost? yg FREE Super Saver Shipping itu cuman buat Amrik doang yah? If the shipping cost is about 10 bucks (per person), then the Harry Potter costs the same in here… kalo less than tat, aku mau order 😀

    Wuahh after seeing today they have the pre-order of Heroes dvd! my housemate is very interested in buying that… but the release date is 28th August, masi luamaaa bgt hahaha…

    Ko Felix tolong check-in lagi yah soal shipping unreleased books itu, klo misalkan ga bsa barengan ato harus ada harga tambahan sih ga usa d 🙂

    thx for organising 🙂

  6. felixt

    Ini nih delivery pricing matrix for australia:

    so US$6.99 per order, this is the cost that can be shared, however per item there is a US$4.99 and also there is a footnote there if the book’s availability is more than 3 weeks it will cost U$1.99 more.

    I think setelah gw pikir2 for your Harry Potter book, delivery costnya at least sih like this (assumption that I buy 2 books):
    6.99/3 + 4.99 + 1.99 = US$9.31 (can be cheaper if more books ordered however it will never be cheaper than U$7).

    I guess if you’re not saving that much from buying overseas it’s probably better buy it here,for my books I can save about 20-30 dollars which is worth it.

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