The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges

There aren’t that many books that I want to re-read, this is definitely on the my list to read again books (others that I want to read again would be Point Man and Mere Christianity).

I found the chapter on “We died to sin” to be quite enlightening and personally helped me with my struggle with guilt.

I also being reminded that small (he calls it refined) sins are sins nonetheless, that I still need to repent of these sins (and the big ones as well!). After reading this book, I’m being reminded on how sinful I am, in fact I am become convinced that there’s not one of my waking hour that I am not sinning. And yet I was reminded of the grace upon it I should pursue holiness.

Not an easy read, at times I feel the author keep on talking about the same thing again and again, but there are parts of the book that really changed, challenged and corrected my way of thinking and living.

And this is the 5th book finished the year and the 1st book that I would strongly recommend for Christians to read.