Category Archives: Books

Gospel and Revelation by Graeme Goldsworthy

I was reading the book in preparing for the Revelation bible study that I lead on Sundays. The book is really meaty, I found it hard to digest all the richness of information provided by the book. I guess this one of those books that require another read or two.

I did remember that the author mentioned the tension of Jesus being the victorious Lion of Judah and the slain Lamb to be the underlying theme in the book.

3rd book finished this year.

The Joy of Stress by Dr. Peter Hanson

I think this is the 2nd book finished this year, yay! Picked up the book long time ago from UNSW’s book fair for $2 or so. And never really had the interest to read it until now.

It was a good read, understood a bit about stress and what to do to manage it better.

Couple of quick points:

  • Stress is caused because you are losing control.
  • (Try) ignoring things that are outside of your control and focus with what you can do with things that you can control.
  • Both too much and too little stress is detrimental to your health.
  • Eating right helps with stress management (a big chunk of the book is dedicated on the food and nutrition.. ).
  • The secret to long life is a balance in the 4 quadrants: financial, personal, health and job.