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COMP9519 ass2

Never done anything so resource hungry like this assignment 2, the objective of the assignment is to do some comparison between images to see their “closeness” to each other. There are 8 parameter combinations and for each, there are 27400 image comparisons to be done. It took me about 2 hours for each combination, I already finished 4 combinations.
I’ve decided to log in into CSE into two different servers and run my program there, it would probably be slower if there are a lot of people using the servers, but at least I can use two machines instead of one. Hopefuly when I wake up tomorrow, they all wil be finished.

Charity Organisation

I know it’s weird to think about organisations to be giving to when you just resign from your job (ie no income :P). But anyway, I expect that I will be earning more in life, so to counter my greed (that is to put my excess money into more agressive investing (obsessed abt shares learning)), I should be thinking about charities that I can give to in the future.
This entry will be a future reference for me, I will need to do some research on these organisations, to make sure that the money goes to them will be used properly.
I will be considering:n- ORAF (Overseas Relief and Aid Fund)n- OMF (Overseas Missionary Fund)n- VOM (Voice of Martyrs)n- CMS (Church Missionary Society)n- CBMI – Lina supported this before.

Finally kissing HPA goodbye

Thi s wednesday will be my last day with HPA. Feel a bit sad as I think I have a good position there (ie know the people and the “right” people). But i think it’s an appropiate time for me to move on. I am not sure what the future holds for me, but I am looking forward to it.

Time and Money

Been thinking, what I want really in life is time. Time to do things that matter and I can enjoy. Money is used to buy time. THere’s no use for much money if you don’t have time to enjoy life ie if you work so much, that it affects your other things in life, then it isn’t good, eventho you earned a lot.
I want to not to have to worry abt money, that way I don’t have to worry much abt work, don’t have to work full time. Will have more time for church and family.
Is such a thing achievable? At what cost?