Putting unnecessary burden

Current schedule:
Working from 7am – 3pm Monday-Friday.
Lectures 6pm – 8.30pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights.
Focus Team 7pm-8.30pm Wednesday
Men Reading Bible will start soon on Monday night
Following up 2 guys from Pelita (still considering).

Am I putting too much stuffs on myself? I want to finish my degree asap so that I can plan whether or not to go Singapore to find a job. But at the same time I need to have an income to support myself (and family next year). Plus I also want to grow as christian by being trained in Focus-team and I also want to see other people grow thus the one on one meetings… Will see for few weeks ahead, pretty sure gotta give some things up, but maybe I can handle them!

Hm, if only human don’t need sleep.


Hm I am going to be the “back-up” photo taker for Evelyn and Edy’s wedding this Saturday, it just occurs to me that I haven’t been using my manual camera for ages, nowadays I just use my digital.. I have forgotten what to do with those aperture and speed..

Somehow because I used to take a lot of pictures in Pelita, people think that I am experienced, little do they know that eventho I use a manual cam, i most of the time set it to automatic, and I intend to do the same this saturday.. 🙂 I hope my trusty nikon will pass the test and there’s amanda as the main photographer, i feel less nervous now..

A mouthful degree

If I manage to finish my master, I will be awarded with: Master of Engineering Science in CSE and if CSE stands for Computer Science and Engineering that will leave me: Master of Engineering Science in Computer Science and Engineering.. I hesitate to put that on my resume, sounds that I make it up myself.. sigh..

Why can’t it be just Master of Engineering Science in Computing? or Master of Computer Engineering.. meaningless meaningless..

Friendster JSP to PHP

I just noticed how quick Friendster’s response time is recently, then I notice that it no longer uses JSP but PHP. The difference is really notable, the move is surely welcomed by friendsters. Russel’s did a good observation here on why would Friendster “downgrade” from JSP to PHP, as usually the practice is to upgrade from PHP to JSP for scalibility and code maintenance. still learning..

Just last week my lecturer on Performance Planning told us that Java is good at rapid prototyping but really bad at performance. I think I am inclined to agree to his comment..


D’oh I think I lost my MYC notes and Lina lost hers too, if anyone find our notes, we would like to have em back very much, thanks :> .. Anyway I better jot down the things that I remember here..

The theme of this year MYC is “A life of worship”. In the OT, there are two ways that the Israelites are supposed to worship God, that is via: 1. obedience and 2. sacrificial system. Grimmo’s talks were basically covering obedience, whilst the morning seminars were covering the sacrificial system.

The definition of worship: An act or an attitude towards an important object.

The Talks
Pre-MYC talk: Grimmo taught us very practical things to take care of the people duing MYC. The talk was from Ephesians.

The 1st talk: Why we worship. The reason is because He is the creator of the universe, He is worthy to accept our worship (Rev 4:11).

The 2nd talk: Human inability to worship. In order to worship God, He first needs to tell us how He wants to be worshipped, thus it’s not our thinking that determines what would be acceptable to him, rather it’s Him telling us what’s acceptable worship for Him. In our own attempt we won’t be able to worship God the way he deserved to be worshipped, this is because we are sinful. (Is the passage from Romans 3?, duh.. really need my notes…).

The 3rd talk: Hm what’s this all about, presence of God? Anyway I remember that he discussed the place of emotion in worship.

The 4th talk: How to worship. At this moment, I only remembered the last bit of the talk which is the practical aspect of living a life of worship. Grimmo gave 3 aspect of a student’s life that should reflect the way he worships God, the 1st one is sexual purity, 2nd one is using time, the 3rd one is I think about career vs full time ministry.. Uhm I forgot. He joked that in every MYC there is a pattern: there has to be one sex talk and one full time ministry talk, and we were lucky as we heard them both in this talk.

The 5th talk. I was unable to concentrate.. sigh..

I found the talks are a bit hard to follow, especially the last 3 talks, maybe it’s because of the exhaustion.. maybe hearing them would help.

The seminar was surpraisingly way easier to follow (and to finish) than the previous MYCs, good on you MTSers! We discussed the 3 aspects of sacrificial system in OT worship, they are: 1. Priests, 2. Sacrifice, 3. Place of worship. Everyday we would looked at how these aspects developed throughout OT to NT, basically they all find their fulfilment in us (christians) and Jesus, ie: Jesus is the high priest now (Hebrews 8), and we too are collectively a kingdom of priest (1 Peter 2). It’s very interesting, really enjoyed the seminars and see people discover stuffs for themselves… Maybe I should write another entry for that.

Bible Study
The bible study was on James. At first I was quite dissapointed that the bible study was done in a mix group (guys and girls), I prefer to work with the guys like the old days. But nevertheless, the people in the group are very good, and I learned more than I would have if I read the passage by myself, there are some unresolved matters, but in the end there was no disagreement in Spirit :>