2nd year looking back

Well, it is getting easier, I wasn’t in tears as often as last year. Perhaps I can now move on a little bit. Instead of focusing on the sadness, perhaps I can think of the good times (and the bad times) spent with my dad. Below are random memories and reflections.

Having read (or listened to) the 5 Love Languages, I gained a better insight of myself. I think my primary languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. My dad definitely not a touch-y person. I wonder what his primary languages are, perhaps one of them is act of service, thinking how mom making sure everything is in order for him, he is quite particular in some of the things.

I remember he had a favourite chair in the living room. He strongly prefers that no one sit on it, especially our guess’. He always wipe the chair with his handkerchief (or maybe lap) before his sitting on it. When he got home from work or tennis, he’d sit there and read his newspaper.

I remember when I was little (maybe SD) I used to sleep on the same bed with my dad. And apparently he didn’t like it much, since I often pushed him to the edge of the bed (unconsciously of course!). I also remember that I often fall asleep watching TV (either on the floor or on my mom’s bed) and he had to carry me to my bed which was on the other room.