Achilles Heel

Went to visit a physiotherapist today, her diagnose was: I have an Achilles Tendonitis. I thought the visit would only last for half an hour, but I ended up staying there for about an hour.

I was asked to do some exercise and stretches, she also did a little massage on the heel.

She noted that my calves muscles are really tense and that’s due to my laziness in stretching. I used to incorporate stretch in my exercise, but I haven’t done much this year, since I have to switch my gym sessions to early morning and in a very limited time: 6am – 7am.

The other thing that she noted was my lack of balance. So she asked me to stand on this equipment that shaped like a see saw and I basically have to keep standing without falling down. It’s very hard. Also I doubt I can do this at home since I don’t have the apparatus.

Interesting quote from the link above (emphasis mine):

Achilles tendonitis is a common overuse injury that tends to occur in middle-age recreational athletes.

Middle age!!! Argh, so it’s true I am getting older!