Bye 2008, Hello 2009

I am one of those people who don’t really see the significance or appreciate certain dates. So new year day is just another day for me. But I think I can understand that it’s a good thing to be able to mark a day for a fresh start and reflection and new year day is a good candidate for it (it could’ve been any other day of the year, also it doesn’t have to be in yearly interval).

Anyway, enough rambling, year 2008 is now behind, reflecting on what has happened last year:

  • Finally graduated from my master degree – what a huge relief!
  • Graduated from PTC (unexpectedly)
  • Moving to another company (yet again!)
  • Managed to finished reading at least 17 books.
  • Welcoming Matthew to the clan.
  • Credit crunch, financial crisis made me significantly poorer, but in comparison with lots of people in the world, I am still very2 blessed, I still can afford more than basic necessities of life.

I wonder how will 2009 look like for us.  I haven’t really thinking of setting goals etc2, so far I only have a rough idea what I want to do in terms of family, ministry and work. I am not sure I am game enough to publish them online after all I don’t want to be apologizing to myself by the end of the year for not accomplishing them.